10 Best Motivational Books of 2016

Catch up on your readings..

As the year comes to a close here are the best of the best.  Here they are for 2016! As the caption states these books are genuine accounts of success and failures that bridge to success.  Which of these Motivational Books will  you read.  Enjoy! Continued Success in 2017!  Kevin

Deeply authentic accounts of personal trials, hard-learned truths and unexpected epiphanies teach readers that anything is possible — once you understand that hard work alone isn’t enough.

Source: The 10 Best Motivational Books of 2016

Window Wonderland

Experience with amazing world of Virtual Reality and 360 photography.  Notice the “cool” factor is delivered via http. Imagine the power of VR apps and Google/Samsung VR devices/headsets.  Now that is way cool. Take a walk through New York City’s dazzling assortment of retail window displays and immerse yourself in the magic of the holidays.

Cheers to the holidays!  Kevin

Source: Window Wonderland