Be all In……

Leadership – Learning – Collaboration – Executive Briefings – Audio Engineer – Image by JMS @ Unsplash
Seems the words of Peter Drucker, the famed management consultant, noted several quotes that are amazingly relevant today as they were several years ago.
Take a few minutes to scan these quotes….
5 tips to help transform your life in 2 years
This is a great question. Most people ask how they can change their lives in a week, month, or year. But unfortunately, real change takes time. Most experts agree that the sweet spot for transforming your life requires 18-24 months of conscious effort.
7 reasons why hackers hack
Cyber attacks, various threats, attempts to target users of the internet and IoT devices. We hear about it all the time in the news. But the question that few people are asking is: Who is behind these attacks? What do they want?
How to Transform Poor Leaders into Good Leaders – Lolly Daskal | Leadership
John J. Pershing, a US Army general in World War I, once said, “A competent leader can get efficient service from poor troops, while on the contrary a poor leader can demoralize the best of troops.”