Happy Thanksgiving

I have it on good intel, the image below is true.  A turkey told me!

Thanksgiving is a the special time of the year to pause and give Thanks!  Thanks for Faith – Family – Fun and Friends….the power of 4.   Peace!


I hear….. I forget
I see….. I remember
I experience….I believe
I believe in a great experience.

We remember |  10% of what we read
We remember | 50 % of what we hear
We remember | 90% of what we do – and what we experience
When we have a wonderful  experience and tell others about the experience | we share great experience stories

Advertising and PR – awareness | consideration| Commitment

Experience Marketing – Loyalty | Advocacy

Image | Tim Mossholeder|  Upsplash

Triumph without struggle

This statement was quoted in 2021. Future forward to December 2024. The Texas Longhorns are in contention for a National Championship. The Longhorns did complete their ultimate goals of wining the National Championship, but they demonstrated a tremendous amount of character, tenacity and perseverance. They’ll be back!  

There’s never been a great triumph without struggle. We’re in the midst of of a struggle. To have a growth sometimes you gotta have a little bit of confidence too”

University of Texas Coach Steve Sarkisian – Dallas Morning News Nov 2021

Understanding our World…

” like many people, i want to understand our world better. Seeing it from a different angle really helps, and no perspective is more radically different than the one you get when you leave the planet altogether and look back – whether literally, as I did. or through photographs. Those spectacular, two-thousand-mile views make you a lot more aware of the big picture.”

Chris Hadfield – You are here….Around the world in 92 minutes.