
I hear….. I forget
I see….. I remember
I experience….I believe
I believe in a great experience.

We remember |  10% of what we read
We remember | 50 % of what we hear
We remember | 90% of what we do – and what we experience
When we have a wonderful  experience and tell others about the experience | we share great experience stories

Advertising and PR – awareness | consideration| Commitment

Experience Marketing – Loyalty | Advocacy

Image | Tim Mossholeder|  Upsplash

Triumph without struggle

This statement was quoted in 2021. Future forward to December 2024. The Texas Longhorns are in contention for a National Championship.

There’s never been a great triumph without struggle. We’re in the midst of of a struggle. To have a growth sometimes you gotta have a little bit of confidence too”

University of Texas Coach Steve Sarkisian – Dallas Morning News Nov 2021

Understanding our World…

” like many people, i want to understand our world better. Seeing it from a different angle really helps, and no perspective is more radically different than the one you get when you leave the planet altogether and look back – whether literally, as I did. or through photographs. Those spectacular, two-thousand-mile views make you a lot more aware of the big picture.”

Chris Hadfield – You are here….Around the world in 92 minutes.

Cheers to 2021

I’ve been thinking of some cleaver way to basically say “out the old and in with the new” but in many ways some of the “old” will be with us in 2021. We’ll need to continue to push forward in 2021. As my way to inspire Hope in 2021, I want to RE: RE:Assess + RE:Align + RE:Focus.
