Where is the dude?

I know you can’t wait – secretly you want to know where he is – secretly you want to find your present under the tree.  Best yet – you want to have an answer to the question – when will Santa be here…. Here a few sites to help with that…..

It's that time

Window Wonderland

Experience with amazing world of Virtual Reality and 360 photography.  Notice the “cool” factor is delivered via http. Imagine the power of VR apps and Google/Samsung VR devices/headsets.  Now that is way cool. Take a walk through New York City’s dazzling assortment of retail window displays and immerse yourself in the magic of the holidays.

Cheers to the holidays!  Kevin

Source: Window Wonderland

30 CEOs Reveal the Daily Habits Responsible for Their Success

Getting to the top involves doing the right things, day after day.

Look at any CEO running a profitable company and you’ll find someone who has figured a few things out. One trait many of these leaders have in common: consistency. Check out these quotes from 30 successful CEOs regarding the daily habits that help them get ahead in business and life.

1. Try one new thing each day.

“Every day, I force myself to do something that is out of my comfort zone. If I hadn’t left my comfort zone back in 2008 to buy that one-way ticket to Buenos Aires, I never would have met my business partner, Aaron Firestein, and BucketFeet would never exist.”

–Raaja Nemani, co-founder and CEO of BucketFeet, a footwear brand that was founded in 2011 after a chance meeting between two travelers. It has grown from one hand-decorated pair of shoes to a brand that has collaborated with over 20,000 artists in more than 100 countries.

Source: 30 CEOs Reveal the Daily Habits Responsible for Their Success | Inc.com