There are habits that make us successful and there are habits that sabotage our success. Which Habits will you choose for your success. Which habits will you toss out…throw away..never to return?
Five Ways ‘Pokémon GO’ Could Revolutionize Technology
The augmented reality world of Pokémon GO could benefit from players not staring into their phones as they walk around. Pokéglass would provide a line of sight point of view that could keep our eyes on what’s in front of us and finally realize the dream of Google Glass engineers. This takes augmented.
Interesting article about an interesting App! I have you seen it! I have and am almost shared to download. I may become addicted. Enjoy the article….
Source: Five Ways ‘Pokémon GO’ Could Revolutionize Technology
Japan Will Make Its Last-Ever VCR This Month | Mental Floss
I am saddened by this news…I actually bought a VHS Player to DVD convertor last year. I have lots of VHS tapes to transfer. Now maybe I will be motivated…..
Source: Japan Will Make Its Last-Ever VCR This Month | Mental Floss
9 Behind-the-Scenes Secrets of a Shark Week Cinematographer | Mental Floss
10 New Truths Great Leaders Know That Most People Don’t |
Leadership isn’t the same field that it was even a decade ago. Here’s a map to the new landscape.
Source: 10 New Truths Great Leaders Know That Most People Don’t |