Five Ways ‘Pokémon GO’ Could Revolutionize Technology

The augmented reality world of Pokémon GO could benefit from players not staring into their phones as they walk around. Pokéglass would provide a line of sight point of view that could keep our eyes on what’s in front of us and finally realize the dream of Google Glass engineers. This takes augmented.

Interesting article about an interesting App!  I have you seen it!  I have and am almost shared to download. I may become addicted.  Enjoy the article….



Source: Five Ways ‘Pokémon GO’ Could Revolutionize Technology

Lolly Daskal’s articles |

Lolly Daskal is the president and CEO of Lead From Within , a global consultancy that specializes in leadership and entrepreneurial development. Daskal’s programs galvanize clients into achieving their best, helping them accelerate and deliver on their professional goals and business objectives.  Lead From Within is a consultancy with global scope, and Daskal’s clients value her exceptional commitment to excellence, integrity, and results.

Source: Lolly Daskal’s articles |